The company won a prestigious contract for work on Europe's tallest building 这家公司赢得了一份极为重要的合同,参与建设欧洲最高的大厦。
These primary two features access control and contract programming allow for much larger teams of coders to work on much larger code bases more smoothly. 这两个主要特性访问控制和契约编程允许大型编码人员团队更顺畅地使用大型代码库。
This ICC model contract takes account of all of these specifics and contains enough flexibility for the parties to work out special situations for themselves. 这个国际商会合同模版顾及到了所有的这些细节,当然也为各方根据自己的项目情况而进行修改留出了足够的空间。
Force majeure occurrences other than government instructions not to pay shall not be just cause for non-payment of monies due under the contract for work satisfactorily performed in accordance with the contract. 对于按照本合同圆满完成的工作,除非政府发出不付款指示,否则不得以发生不可抗力为由拖欠支付该部分款项。
Whereas an employee asks to terminate the labor contract due to occupational disease or becoming disabled because of work the enterprise should pay the social insurance agency the reemployment settlement fee for those who becoming disabled because of work in accordance with the stipulations of the local government. 因患职业病或因工致残的职工,若本人要求解除劳动合同,企业应按当地政府规定,向社会保险机构缴纳因工致残就业安置费。
The certificate of contract closure shall specify the total amount paid to the Contractor by shell for the performance of the work under all purchase orders. 合同结算证书应详细说明根据订单shell就承包商工程实施所支付的总额。
If there is no collective contract or no such stipulation in the collective contract, it shall follow the principle of equal pay for equal work. 没有集体合同或者集体合同未规定的,实行同工同酬。
Foreign employers must set out clearly in a written contract their terms of employment for manual employees and certain non-manual employees they employ to work outside of Hong kong. 海外雇主必须订立书面合约,为受聘前往香港以外地方工作的体力劳动及某些非体力劳动雇员清楚订明雇佣条件。
Your contract is for one year. Therefore, you are required to work for the employer and sponsor for at least one year. 我们要求你必须在这个为你做申请担保的美国学校工作至少一年。
The preceding paragraph shall not apply in the case of a fixed-term contract for special and seasonal work. 前项规定于特定性或季节性之定期工作不适用之。
Unless stated in the bid documents, the contract shall be for the whole works as described in the schedule of requirements and scope of work based on the schedule of unit prices submitted. 除招标文件另有规定外,合同应包含要求明细表中所述的所有工程及基于递交的单价表的工作范围。
The study shows that the contract can lead to the optimal investment, conquer hidden information with moral hazard, and realize social efficiency optimization for construction work, through the determination of reasonable working condition, time, price and the rule of contract variation. 研究表明,通过确定合理的施工条件、工期、承包价及合同变更规则,承包合同可以引导承发包双方投资,避免隐藏信息的道德风险,实现社会福利最优。
Contract 1.1 of Shanghai Sewerage Implementation Project ⅱ stage is a work to cross the Huangpu River as an inverted siphon, where the requirements for environment protection is strict and work operation is difficult. 上海污水治理2期1.1标是穿越黄浦江的倒虹管工程,环境保护要求高,施工难度大。
In the category of the liability for breach of contract, on the basis of theoretical knowledge of contract law, we make clear that the nature of family fit-up contract is the contract for work. 对于合同责任,主要结合合同法的基本理论知识,明确了家庭装修合同的性质为承揽合同。
Key points of law about contract, financial claim and business secret were consulted for electroplating enterprises by author with his work experience in electroplating and law areas. Contract of electroplating processing was listed as appendix. 结合作者在电镀和法律两个领域的工作经验,提示电镀企业运作中的重要法律问题,如合同、债权、商业秘密等,并列举了电镀加工合同参考文本作为附录。
Psychological contract and job satisfaction are both hot spot issues in the field of management, and they affect the attitude and behavior of employees for their work jointly. 心理契约和工作满意度都是管理学领域的研究热点,它们共同影响着员工对工作的态度和行为。
The author in dealing with similar legal dispute, the legal principle which is deeply clarifying and legal importance of the relationship, which this article intends to contract the contractor for breach of contract case, the right to study the work stoppage. 笔者在处理类似法律纠纷时,深感厘清其中的法律原理和法律关系的重要性,因而本文拟对发包人违约情形下的承包人停工权进行研究。
Article 63 of the Labor Contract Law provide that the dispatched worker shall have the right to receive the same pay as that received by Employees of the Accepting Unit for the same work. 《劳动合同法》第63条规定:被派遣劳动者享有与用工单位的劳动者同工同酬的权利。
There is no provision of the construction contract in civil codes of those countries, but the content of construction contracts can be found in the contract for work. 大陆法系民法典中并无建设工程合同的规定,而是将其有关内容纳入承揽合同之中。
At last I compare partnership contract and agreement for work, borrow contract, and discuss partnership contract meaning to Hui merchant the meaning of principle of business management. 然后将其与承揽合同和借贷契约相比较,论述清代徽商合伙合同对徽商、当时社会以及现在经营理念的意义。